- Distant past:
- Long-time computer programmer (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, American Science and Engineering, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Digital Equipment Corporation.
- Once part of the Ultrix (Unix) group at Digital,
I opted for a severance package in 1990, believing I would easily find another job as superuser somewhere...
- Decade of the brain:
- Work in state and community psychiatric hospitals.
- MEDITECH clinical health care software.
- Bridgewater State Hospital, 1991-present.
- Education:
- BA Chemistry, Barnard College, New York NY
- MS Mathematics, Northeastern University, Boston MA
- PhD Biochemistry, Boston University, Boston MA
- Computer courses, Harvard Extension School, Cambridge MA
- Nursing, Laboure College, Boston MA
- Teacher certification, University of Massachusetts, Boston MA
- Motherhood (my most interesting work):
- Two children during the period I worked in the satellite tracking program at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
- Back to school at Boston University to do graduate work after being told by pediatricians to stop reading and stop comparing my sons with other children - absolutely not!
- After getting a PhD in biochemistry I left this field because it was too difficult to manage labwork around childcare - daycare and after-school care schedules. As a computer programmer I could logoff and leave when it was time to pick up my children - and when I got home I could always log back on and continue working...