Pictures: Conrad and his Brothers

Working papers Viewpoint on the brain disorder(2003) (View in 2000)
and notes: The auditory system The inferior colliculus Hemoglobin & the brain
Concepts of autism Autism spectrum Social responsibility


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Date posted:  April 24, 2000 08:02 PM /inc/docinfo.shtml
Updated:  January 20, 2023 06:44 PM
© Copyright 2003
Eileen Nicole Simon


First we had Ralf, whose cheerful sunshiny personality brightens our lives to this day.

Ralf reads to Conrad Conrad with his dad
Conrad with his dad

Ralf reads to Conrad - Conrad's best playmate and teacher growing up.

Then we had Matthew and Frederick Matthew and Frederick

Avalon At age 12 Conrad went away to school at Avalon in Lenox Massachusetts (left), not far from Tanglewood, the Boston Symphony's summer home in the Berkshires, where Conrad enjoyed many Saturday morning rehearsals.

Conrad, Fred, and Leo
DEC-20 day at Avalon (Conrad, Fred, and Leo Gagné (Conrad's counselor): Conrad's birthday is December 20. My work at Digital was with DECSYSTEM-20 computers and we used to celebrate this wonderful machine every December 20th; my DEC-020 license plate was another show of enthusiasm. So as Conrad's brother Matt puts it, this picture is of the DEC-20 child beside the DEC-20 car on DEC-20 day. This was also Conrad's 20th birthday...

Below: Conrad (in front seat) with staff and another resident from his group home out for some fun...
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